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Thursday 2 June 2016

Dale Lakay - 1st ever rugby game


These pictures were taken yesterday (01 June 2016) when Dale had his very first official rugby match… - under 7 School team.

What a blast!!

With the boys (on same side) fighting for the ball and forgetting to pass it to the back and throwing it forward as soon as it seems the opponents will tackle them… ☺
Dale at one point forgetting he’s still in the game and standing with his hand in his pocket for a minute – till I shouted “Dale, play!!!” and another boy running off the field to go get something in his bag…

The other team was definitely more organised and knew more about the game then “our” side but they still could not win… with each team scoring 1 try. I spoke to the coach during the game and she was saying how frustrating it was to watch them doing almost everything that they were told the other way around... 

And Dale afterwards saying “They were playing Rough!” but he clearly enjoyed it.


Till next time #shallasown_readers

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