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Friday 9 October 2015


I had to help my cousin's daughter with oral the other day. The topic/theme was to talk about someone who made a huge impact on your life and to give the reasons why. I was touched by her choice... my dear Dad who passed away on 10 December 2014. And it inspired me to write the following... a (last) letter to my dad... with no disrespect for my mother or to disregard her part in my upbringing!

"Daddy... one of my earliest memories of you was in your Navy uniform... you wore it with such pride. The shiny shoes, pants and shirt pressed/ironed to perfection and you upright and again PROUD! Neat and tidy... like the person you were. I am sure I inherited your taste in music... "Manhattans, Old School Jive (like that Mahalla jive and "Lippe my buddy!"), Peter Tosh, Percy Sledge, UB40, Judy Boucher (I can hear you belt out "If I can be in 2 places at the same time, believe me, I will share my life with you" - and that YOU at the lowest of keys!! LOL) and then of course the MALE CHOIRS!

I remember your love for rugby and all your stories of your days as an athlete. And believe it or not; although I was not even three years old at the time, I have memories of you playing for Hamlet (rugby club in Ceres)... I was often in a car next to the rugby field and music (especially the kind mentioned above) would be playing... Many times I would wake up with the games still on and I know that you often the hero of the game!

Wherever we stayed; there were always friends over weekends.... your and Mom's friends... who came to visit and played dominoes and cards. How lively those events were. Yes; you took your drink and some might have gone a bit overboard, but as kids we were never neglected.

I remember your lively discussions about the Word... and that is where I got my understanding of our faith from. One more thing I admired about you. Because you were passionate about our religion/faith and could talk and argue about it for what seemed like "forever" :).

With Mom being the stricter one, you had a softer approach and I can remember getting a hiding from you only once! You would rather talk things through.

Then I became a teenager... must have been a terrifying time for you. I remember our fights back then. For some reason, you were just so (out of character) strict with me... I realize it was out of love and the fear that I would make the wrong choices in life... How I almost "resented" you the times you refused to let me (and my cousin) go out when our friends were having parties or other exciting events. Or insisted that we asked your permission to attend such events weeks in advance "cause you can't just agree if we ask an hour before the time"! And when I questioned your decisions and only got: "Cause I said so!"....

Not to mention the times I tried to start seeing boys... you tried to protect me at all costs but I had to learn the hard way.

Your love was pure (I know Mommy's too as it still is) but as a young adult one does not see it that way. I told you before you left us but just again... "Sorry for all the times we disagreed and I seemed disrespectful"

Your silence were misconstrued by many as a weakness.... how wrong they were! You were so much stronger than what they thought and you never got the credit for it.
You didn't waiver from your believes and you had faith that I could only admire. You were steadfast.... till the end. I can only pray that I can continue with that same steadfast faith and belief that you instilled in me.

With the help of Mommy, you carried me through many difficult stages in my life. Even though you didn't always agree with my choices and got very angry when I wouldn't listen to your advice and concerns, you kept loving me unconditionally.

Your love for my kids always showed... I worried about your relationship with my son, Dale; especially closer to the end of your journey... but that worry/concern was so unnecessary. You made him strong; so much so that he never broke down when you left in the way I kind of expected. But my kids miss you as much as I do.

I miss your DRY sense of humor; your long-winded way of telling a story or joke... the way you explained the Scripture so even a child could understand.
I miss the rides we took... cause many times you would just call to "quickly" go with you... Your "silly" ways sometimes made us cringe but you didn't change who you were for anyone.

How Mommy disliked your "inability" to say NO to people... but you (actually just like her!) helped those who needed you whenever you could. And the only response Mommy would get from you was a meek "Ai jinne Dingie!".

I hated to see you suffer although the suffering wasn't that long... I wished I could do more to ease your pain.... but you suffered in silence... You kept the pain you felt hidden as long as you could.

Daddy, the respect you showed your whole life through to others, were returned manifold at your funeral if I could/should measure it at the many who came to "pay their last respects" to you.

I admired your patience, zest for life, respect shown to young and old, your wit...

I know I told you this in your lifetime... Thanks again for all you did and for all your love.

I will never have enough space to recollect all the memories - good or bad - so this is it...


You had many flaws like all of us... but that made you YOU... Booi Lakay, Biza, Boet Luck, Lucky, Booitjie, Lakay, Oupa, Priest, Uncle Booi........... DADDY!

Your work here was done and you found peace in a better Place... in the Land of fadeless day...

You will live on in my heart.... forever

"Goodbye" is a sad word.... Till we meet again!


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