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Friday 22 February 2013

The Post-Baby Look!

Didn’t you (moms) just hate it when people made a comment about your body shortly (or even up to 18 months) after you’ve given birth?!
I do…
I used to have this tiny figure most my life and until about the age of 28 could easily fit into a size 6 (RSA-28-30) and although many made fun of the fact that I look like someone who went on a hunger strike I was fine with the way I looked…
Then came my first child and the size went to 32 after the birth… I felt obese! And I just could not get rid of the tummy…
Then a second child!! I felt and looked ugly through the pregnancy and not much changed after I gave birth (not in my eyes anyway).
And then I fell pregnant with my 3 child…. And I started losing weight during the pregnancy… but I still ate as much as I used to and baby grew very well inside and I felt sexy… gorgeous!
My baby is now 8 months and although I lost weight during the pregnancy and the 3 months I’ve been on maternity leave; I picked up quite a few kilo’s since I started working again…. I love food so I don’t need an excuse to eat. So I’m fat; in other words; bigger than I would like to be… but I’m not obese… and the worst area is around the tummy! So I do look very much pregnant at times and I happen to HAVE TO defend that pregnant-look EVERYDAY! I can’t even joke about it anymore and I must admit; I am just too lazy to exercise. Not that I have much time for that… with 3 kids, working full time and studying I honestly have little time for other things!
I just don’t like feeling the fat around my waist so that means I’ll probably have to start doing something about it… and of course all the comments of me having to slow down on the producing side…
But today I did that to someone else…. And I felt like such an idiot!! Not knowing the lady at all I honestly thought she is pregnant as she looked the part to me…. I try and steer away from making comments like that knowing the effect it has on me so how I could’ve done that today is just beyond me!
Ever so innocently I tell colleagues in another office that I don’t really want to be around them as there’s a pregnant lady in our midst and I don’t want to spread my germs as I have flu… And then my one colleague tells me that the lady actually had twins about 6 months ago! I immediately had to apologise but still felt like a fool…
Really need to work on controlling this tongue of mine!!
But at least with me making that same mistake; I now might not feel so offended anymore when others ask me when I’ll be giving birth!! J

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